Monday, August 23, 2010

First Day of School

Well, we had a smooth first day of school for the 2010-2011 school year. Thank you to all the parents/families who were able to send in school supplies...believe me, I know how much of a hassle it is to find this stuff as I have 2 school-aged kiddos myself! Some items are not going to be necessary this year, so I sent them back home with your child in his or her backpack.
Hopefully you'll have a few minutes to read the letter I sent home in your child's daily folder. Please have your child bring this to school every day. As soon as we get the planners in from the district, I will be using that tool for parent/teacher communication.
Please remember to check your child's behavior letter/color daily and initial it so I know you saw it.
Remember, starting tomorrow you can send in a healthy light snack for the late morning since our lunch time isn't until 12:40. They were quite hungry by 12:40! They should eat a nice big breakfast too (if you can get them to!)
That's all for now.
Feel free to call me at any time w/concerns at (904)573-3260, ext. 1126 or email me at

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