Sunday, October 31, 2010

Vocabulary Parade

Friday was our school-wide Vocabulary Parade in honor of our book of the month, Miss Alaineus. The students enjoyed dressing up as and making posters featuring their chosen "Seasons" vocabulary word. What a fun time for all!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Field Trip to Conner's A-maize-ing Acres

Although it was hot, the 1st graders enjoyed their day at the farm in Hilliard. They got to go on a hayride, go through a corn maze, listen to the farmer speak, and ride a small train! Enjoy the pictures!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Writing in our Source Books

Students use their writing source books to record ideas for future writing assignments. Oftentimes, kids will want to share stories with teachers and friends and there may not be time to do it. Recording these ideas in their source books helps them to remember their story ideas. 1st graders in Ms. Barnhardt's class are on their way to becoming great authors!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Sharing a book from home

We love when students bring a book from home to read to the class. Nice Job, Ky'eve!